University of Minnesota Unofficial Transcript
      Name      :  Sachs,David K
      Student ID:  1873946
      Birthdate :  04-28
      Print Date   :  11-28-2005
      University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
      Institution   :  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
      Program       :  College of Liberal Arts
      Plan          :  Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
      Subplan       :  Journalism
      Degree Sought :  Bachelor of Arts
      Advisor       :  Pedersen,Lara Marie
         - - - - -   University of Minnesota Degrees and Certificates Awarded  - - - - -
      Degree             :  Bachelor of Arts
      Confer Date        :  12-21-2002
      Degree GPA         :  2.749
      Acad Program       :  College of Liberal Arts
      Plan               :  Journalism Professional Program B A
      Sub-Plan           :  Journalism
                    - - - - -   Beginning of Undergraduate Record   - - - - -
                                        Fall Quarter 1998
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Pre-Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      ENGC     1011       Writing Practice I               5.00     5.00  A-      18.335
      HIST     1302       American History                 5.00     5.00  B       15.000
      SPAN     1101       Beginning Spanish                5.00     5.00  B+      16.665
               TERM GPA :     3.333      TERM TOTALS :    15.00    15.00          50.000
                                       Winter Quarter 1999
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Pre-Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      AST      1032       Explore Universe:L               4.00     4.00  B-      10.668
      ENGC     1027       Intermed Expos Wrtg              4.00     4.00  A-      14.668
      SPAN     1102       Beginning Spanish                5.00     5.00  B       15.000
               TERM GPA :     3.103      TERM TOTALS :    13.00    13.00          40.336
                                       Spring Quarter 1999
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Pre Journalism Pre-Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      JOUR     1001       Intro To Mass Comm               4.00     4.00  C+       9.332
      LASK     1001       Be A Master Student              2.00     2.00  A        8.000
      SPAN     1103       Beginning Spanish                5.00     5.00  B-      13.335
      TH       1101       Intro To Theatre                 4.00     4.00  C        8.000
               TERM GPA :     2.578      TERM TOTALS :    15.00    15.00          38.667
             Effective Fall 1999 the University of Minnesota converted to semesters
                                       Fall Semester 1999
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Pre Journalism Pre-Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      ENGL     1001       Intro to Literature              4.00     4.00  C+       9.332
      JOUR     3004       Info for Mass Comm               3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      MATH     1001       Excursions in Math               3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      SPAN     1003       Intermediate Span                4.00     4.00  C-       6.668
               TERM GPA :     2.000      TERM TOTALS :    14.00    14.00          28.000
                                      Spring Semester 2000
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      ANTH     1001       Human Evolution                  4.00     4.00  D+       5.332
      HSCI     1715       Tech & Civ since IR              4.00     4.00  B+      13.332
      PHIL     1004       Intro to Pol Phil                4.00     4.00  B       12.000
      SPAN     1004       Intermediate Span                4.00     4.00  C+       9.332
               TERM GPA :     2.500      TERM TOTALS :    16.00    16.00          39.996
                                       Fall Semester 2000
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      JOUR     3007       Media in Amer Hist               3.00     3.00  A-      11.001
      JOUR     3101       News Reporting                   4.00     4.00  B+      13.332
      JOUR     3745       Media,  Pop Culture              3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      JOUR     3796       Media and Politics               3.00     3.00  A       12.000
               TERM GPA :     3.256      TERM TOTALS :    13.00    13.00          42.333
                                      Spring Semester 2001
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      ENGC     3027W      AdvExposWrtg                     4.00     4.00  B+      13.332
      GEOG     3101       US and Canada                    4.00     4.00  B-      10.668
      JOUR     3771       Mass Media Ethics                3.00     3.00  B+       9.999
               TERM GPA :     3.091      TERM TOTALS :    11.00    11.00          33.999
                                       Fall Semester 2001
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      CSCL     3172       Music as Discourse               3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      HIST     1301W      US History to 1880               4.00     4.00  B+      13.332
      JOUR     3159       Public Relations                 3.00     3.00  B        9.000
      JOUR     3173W      Magazine Writing                 3.00     3.00  B        9.000
               TERM GPA :     2.872      TERM TOTALS :    13.00    13.00          37.332
                                      Spring Semester 2002
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      ARTH     3575       Art of Walt Disney               4.00     4.00  B-      10.668
      HSCI     1714       Tech & Civ to IR                 4.00     4.00  B       12.000
      JOUR     4259       Cases: Strat Planning/Thinking   3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      POL      1001       Amer Govt & Pol                  4.00     4.00  B+      13.332
               TERM GPA :     2.800      TERM TOTALS :    15.00    15.00          42.000
                                       Fall Semester 2002
                          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
                          College of Liberal Arts
                          Journalism Profl Prgm B A Major
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
      CSCL     3177       On Television                    4.00     4.00  C        8.000
      JOUR     3155       Publication Editing              3.00     3.00  C        6.000
      SPST     1701       Intro Sport Studies              2.00     2.00  B-       5.334
               TERM GPA :     2.148      TERM TOTALS :     9.00     9.00          19.334

                           University of Minnesota Summary Information
      Undergraduate Career Totals
                                                      Attempted   Earned          Points
               UMN  GPA :     2.749      UMN  TOTALS :   119.67   119.67         328.995
              GPA UNITS :   119.670               CUM  TOTALS :   119.67